New Traditions Art Panels, Inc.
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Our Endorsements

Paul Kratter

"I highly recommend New Tradition Art Panels. I was sent a sample package of a variety of different panel surfaces to experiment with and have selected one that really suits my needs. They're lightweight and of the highest quality and can be ordered in custom sizes. I'm always amazed at the fast turn-around time from ordering to receiving the shipment. I never hesitate to tell fellow artists where I get my panels from and how nice Tim is to deal with."

Sincerely, Paul Kratter, Artist


Elizabeth Robbins

For years I have mounted my own oil primed linen to baltic birch panels. It was time consuming and occasionally I would have bubbles that formed from not weighing down the canvas properly or have the birch warp due to extreme climate changes in my area. I've found New Traditions Art Panels the best on the market. I love the smoother textured oil primed linens such as the NL219 and the C13 that make painting an absolute joy. Mounted on gatorboard makes them lightweight and easy to transport. Tim and Tracy are wonderful to work with and will even cut custom sizes. I know longer spend my valuable time mounting linen but spend it painting thanks to New Traditions Art Panels. I recommend them for all my students.

Enjoy the Art Work of Elizabeth at


Joseph Paquet

"I’ve been using Timothy Giles' New Traditions Art Panels for over 3 years—before there was a New Traditions. I’ve worked outdoors in temperature ranging between –5 below and over 100 degrees and the warping was absolutely minimal.

Their lightweight, rigid support, and variety of textures are ideal for working outdoors (Plein Air). The sun won’t shine through, as with stretched canvas, and I can carry four comfortably on my French easel.

The obvious benefit beyond all that is that Timothy Giles is an artist who understands what artists need, and is a joy to work with."

Joseph Paquet
H&P Art Studio
St. Paul, Minnesota



Jeremy Lipking

"New Tradition delivers panels of the best high quality workmanship. Their panels are durable, portable & come in custom sizes. Tim is great to work with & is always quick and reliable. I know I can depend on New Traditions and the assurance & convenience they offer."

Agoura Hills, California




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